Saturday, March 25, 2006

Drew's Irrelevant and Time Killing Moment of the Week

I come here today, sober as a Morman, with a chilling proposition. Why, as a matter of fact:

I'm challenging you!

You heard me right- I'm pulling out all the roadblocks and, indeed, getting "all up in yo grill." But what am I challenging? Am I daring you to eat six crackers within a minute? Am I bullying you into stealing a cheeky street sign of some sort? Ha, you think so small my friend. So. Very. Small.

I challenge you to spend less than five minutes at this web site!

It's true- I wish it didn't have to come to this, but you had to push me. You pulled on my leg hair and thought I wouldn't strike back but- SHASHA! Now you'll be the one running around with your tail someone between leg one and two. It's true, now we're even my friend. Or should I say "steven?" Cosmic...

Oh, and if you didn't spend more than five minutes at this website then just disregard all of that hard edged Eastwood talk. Unless you thought it was cool. In that case, feel free to cut and paste :-).

~ Adios!


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