Assignment #3: Almost 3 Times Better than the First Assignment.
As I write this, I'm munching on Planters peanuts, sipping on a Petro Mart slushie, and wiping tears from my eyes.
But why would I bring this up? Perhaps it's my can-do mood tonight (or maybe it's just the asbestos snowing from my ceiling), but I feel a certain relevance in these fattening actions:
Assignment #1 was a lot like a bag of seasoned "heat" peanuts: I was excited when I first got into it, but halfway through, I had no idea how I was going to finish it. Spicy and overbearing, I really underestimated the kick of assignment #1. (FYI: I recently realized that I probably picked the worst possible title for my first Assignment. "Nellie McKay: It's a Long Way to the Top." How could you say that about an artist that no one's ever heard of?)
Assignment #2 was more like this Petromart Raspberry Lemonade slushie. Cool and delicious, it goes down smoothly and takes no prisoners on its way. I was quite satisfied with the final product for my second assignment and, hopefully, Marcia will be as well. Did I mention how wonderful and spectacular of a person she is :-)...
Assignment #3, I jest, seems like an entire different beast. I'd relate to most of the items on the Great Wall Chinese Buffet: they look strangely familiar, but you still have no real idea what you're sticking your fork into. I suppose what I mean is that I'm quite familiar with fliers (then again, who isn't?) but I'm still a bit intimidated by the whole challenge of creating an exciting layout- especially if we have to layout this dang thing with my new mortal enemy, Microsoft Word. Yes- he got a good laugh on assignment #2, but I will return the favor. Muhahahaha!
As far as group work goes, I think I'll decide to skip it all together. Why, working in a group environment runs the risk of increasing productivity. And that, my friends, is a risk your's truly cannot take. You can complain all you want about my procrastinatin' ways, but it's in no way affecting my life. Now if you'll excuse me, I still have a few Valentine's cards to mail out. :-)
As for my subject though, I haven't completely decided yet. Perhaps a "procrastination workshop" would make a swell idea for an event. Come to think of it, that's a great idea! I'll start right now! Eh, then again, I'll just do it tomorrow...
But why am I wiping tears from my eyes. THEY KILLED EDGAR ON 24 TONIGHT. They knocked off Pres. Palmer earlier in the season, but- with all due respect- SCREW HIM! Up until the point he croaked on Syntox gas, Edgar was the man. Truthfully, this is almost too much for your's truly to bare. Don't be surprised if you don't see me in class tomorrow...
So as I finish off my Planter's nuts and Petromart slushie, I look ahead to the wonders and blunders of assignment #3. Tasty, indeed.
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