Tuesday, February 28, 2006

24's Chloe: What Crawled up her Butt?

Throughout T.V. folklore, there's been a lot of stuck up characters. Why, take Detective Andy Sipowicz, Mr. Belvadere, and even that wretched doorman from Seinfeld. Yet, as far as my buck goes, none has ever been as stuck up and downright unpleasant as one Chloe O'brian from FOX's superdrama 24.

"Don't look at me. Gosh! JEEZ!!"

Granted she's been through some stressful days, but that can hardly warrant her all around snoodiness to just about everyone. If you're not a 24-natic, then here's just a typical conversation with this broad:

Edgar: Chloe, can I get intel on this transaction.

Chloe: Jeez Edgar, can't you see I'm busy. Can't you do anything for yourself!? JEEZ!

Edgar: Sorry, I just thought I'd come and talk to you for a bit.

Chloe: Well, I don't have time to talk, OK?! JEEZ!

Well, perhaps I exaggerate things just a little bit, but the essence of Chloe is there. I must say that although her character can be very cold, she's an exceptionally hard worker down at CTU and has always seemed very focused (only in 24 hour spurts, that is :-)). If only she were actually a real person, huh? :-)

All things aside though, '0l Chloe's snoodiness is too tart to ignore. But, who knows, if she keeps it up, she may earn a true spot in T.V. history as one of its grumpiest protagonists ever. And that's not just the emotions talking. :-)

But as for now, just leave me alone. Gosh! JEEZ!!

24 fan bonus question (2 points):

Do you get the feeling that Edgar and Chloe will "hook up" some day? Personally, I get the image of them getting married on the last episode (with JB as the best man, of course), or something along those lines. What do you think?


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